
2009-04-21 @ 09:49:10 Bodil
Ni är säkert många som läst om Thor Wang, en 17 månader gammal pojke som på Alla hjärtans dag i år blev bortförd, kidnappad, av sin pappa. En pappa som tilldömts besöksförbud för att ha skadat både Thor och Thors mamma Mia. I fredags morse hittades Thor, på ett barnhem i Guatemala. Frid och fröjd trodde man, men icke. Mia får av olika anledningar inte ta med sig Thor hem till Sverige, trots att hon har ensam vårdnad om pojken.

För att Mia ska ha råd att vara kvar i Guatemala, och för att ha råd med advokatkostnader och dylikt behövs pengar. Varje öre är värdefullt! Skänk några kronor, det har jag gjort, och det kan du också göra.

Du kan skänka pengar via din mobil;

För att skänka 20 kr, SMS:a Vul thor20 till 72550.
För att skänka 50 kr, SMS:a Vul thor50 till 72550.
För att skänka 100 kr, SMS:a Vul thor100 till 72550.

Du kan även sätta in pengar direkt till Mia;

SEB 5201 01 330 13

Läs mer här.

Postat av: John Apse

Eftersom vi inte har Andrews version så är det svårt att ta ställning. Det är ju vanligre att

en kvinna kidnappar sina barn också...

Bra att veta.

2009-04-21 @ 12:03:21
Postat av: Kvast-Hilda

Flyger in och kollar, jag gillar verkligen personer med hjärtat på rätt ställe!!

Empati är a och o...

Nästa gång kanske det är "vi"



2009-04-21 @ 12:40:34
Postat av: Michelle

visst är det härligt med vitsippor... så VÅRIGT

Var latten god???


2009-04-21 @ 17:34:17
Postat av: Magda

Äntligen förstår jag Thor-historien- TACK!

2009-04-22 @ 21:31:09
Postat av: Andrew Wang

NEW UPDATES! Please look a the website!


I am Andrew Wang, Thor's father. I would like to offer the other side of the story. I moved away with my son because I had to protect him from harm. The legal system in the US failed to do so.

Please see my blog: and my website:

Please help me get in touch with Thor. I have asked to talk to him but Maria has denied me any contact with him.

Andrew Wang

2009-05-12 @ 16:17:04
Postat av: Andrew Wang

NEW UPDATES! Please look a the website!


I am Andrew Wang, Thor's father. I would like to offer the other side of the story. I moved away with my son because I had to protect him from harm. The legal system in the US failed to do so.

Please see my blog: and my website:

Please help me get in touch with Thor. I have asked to talk to him but Maria has denied me any contact with him.

Andrew Wang

2009-05-13 @ 17:35:44
Postat av: Andrew Wang

NEW UPDATES! Please look a the website!

The TRUTH has been HIJACKED! And Thor is being held hostage!


I am Andrew Wang, Thor's father. I would like to offer the other side of the story. I moved away with my son because I had to protect him from harm. The legal system in the US failed to do so.

Please see my blog: and my website:

Please help me get in touch with Thor. I have asked to talk to him but Maria has denied me any contact with him.

Andrew Wang

2009-05-13 @ 17:42:20
Postat av: Andrew Wang

The TRUTH has been HIJACKED! And Thor is being held hostage!

NEW UPDATES! Please look a the website!


I am Andrew Wang, Thor's father. I would like to offer the other side of the story. I moved away with my son because I had to protect him from harm. The legal system in the US failed to do so.

Please see my blog: and my website:

Please help me get in touch with Thor. I have asked to talk to him but Maria has denied me any contact with him.

Andrew Wang

2009-05-13 @ 22:55:02
Postat av: Andrew Wang

My name is Andrew Wang. I am Thor Wang's father. I noticed that my recent email have sparked some of your interest in the other side of the story.

You might have see my blog ( showing how Maria Danielsson manipulated the sympathy of well meaning Swedish public and defrauded them of 100,000 Kronors.

Read all about it at:

There is a lot more to the story that what Maria Danielsson has told Expressen or Aftonbladet.

Please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. If you have any questions about what the other side of the story is.

Please help me find my son!

2009-05-28 @ 18:08:08

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